Goulbourn Lawn Bowling Club lets you ‘try your hand’ at June 3rd Open House

Have you passed your “Best Before” date for hockey, football, and other high energy, body contact sports? Do you still want to keep active, fit and play a sport where skill is required, but the contact is social? Is encouragement to play better more important than competition?

The Goulbourn Bowling Club, formed in 1996 in Richmond, moved in 1998 to its present location at 2135 Huntley Road in Stanley Corners just south of Stittsville. The Club is known as the friendliest lawn bowling club in Ottawa.

Try Lawn Bowling!
This centuries old sport is played on a finely cut, perfectly horizontal grass surface 35 m square. The bowls, nothing like their five or ten pin cousins, are oval and shaped to make one side heavier than the other. They turn as they slow down and this allows the bowler to close in on the target, even curving around the opponent’s previous delivery. The rules are like curling, without the sweeping. A game takes about 2 hours. We provide training early in the season for newcomers.

The Goulbourn Lawn Bowling Club is a friendly group of men and women who play on the green adjacent to the old Goulbourn Town Hall. Games are held four mornings each week and one evening. Newcomers are welcome. You pay nothing for a few weeks to see whether you like the sport. The club lends you bowls at no charge for the first season and offers membership at half the regular $185.00 for your first year.

This year’s Open House for newcomers will be held on June 3rd between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. More information is available on www.goulbournlawnbowlingclub.com. The Club also has a Facebook page you can follow.


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