This house on Hobin Street, just west of Carp Road, belongs to the Atkinson Family. For 15 years they’ve been decorating their front lawn for Halloween. (The photo above is from last year.)
“I try to change it up a little bit every year,” says Rob Atkinson.
“I love entertaining the kids and have always enjoyed decorating. Much of the decorations are home made either by myself or inherited from friends who no longer decorate. I still have a couple other “surprises” that I don’t do until Halloween night though. A little animation, some rear projection, and of course lots of fog and scary sound effects,” he says.
The entire family gets involved. “My wife takes care of the inside and my son helps me with the setup outside. It also helps to slow down cars on that turn in front of my house.”
“I am a little embarrased to say that I’ve brought a couple younger kids to tears with the display. They didn’t want to come too close.”
“Now if I could only get my son and his friends to dress up and become part of the ‘living display’, I’d be all set,” he says.
We want to see your photos! If you have a great Halloween display, or if you see one in your neighbourhood, send us a photo and tell us where it is. You can send your photos to