Halloween safety tips from the Ottawa Police

(press release)

To help families have a safe trick-or-treating experience, the Ottawa Police offers you the following tips and tricks:

  • Make sure your children can be seen. Visibility is an important safety consideration. Flashlights with fresh batteries, glow sticks and reflective tape are must-haves on Halloween and will enable drivers to see kids as they go door to door.
  • Children should walk on the sidewalk and go to well lit homes on one side of the street; then cross safely at an intersection to visit homes on the other side of the street.
  • Ensure costumes are fitted.  Make sure your child’s Halloween costume is made of flame-resistant materials and is well fitted. Costumes that drag on the ground can pose a tripping hazard, which can be a serious danger if kids fall while crossing the street. Masks, hats and other accessories should also fit your child properly without inhibiting their vision. Halloween makeup is a safer option.
  • Always trick-or-treat in groups. Accompany your children when they go out trick-or-treating.  Older children may want to go with friends.  If so, plan a route and make them carry a fully charged cell phone in case they get separated from the group.
  • Check Halloween candy carefully. Treat your kids to a Halloween snack before they head out so that they are less likely to eat the candy they gather before you have a chance to inspect their loot bags. Teach your children never to eat treats that are in packages that have been opened, show pinholes or have other damage. And remember, avoid homemade treats or fruit unless they are from a family member or close friend.
  • Find help. Teach your children to find a police officer if they are lost or need help while trick-or-treating.
  • Motorists: be aware of children on the streets.  With all the excitement some may forget to look both ways before crossing.  Drive carefully and slowly when on residential streets.

For more Halloween safety tips visit ottawapolice.ca


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