Heritage of our area reflected in the Cavanagh barn

The Cavanagh barn off Main Street, Stittsville, reflects the heritage of our area. The willow and maple trees on the property have a stately presence. The moon and evening stars are symbolic of all faiths. The snowy owl and snowshoe hare, which I often photograph, are regular winter migrants to the region. The circular brush strokes and swirls in the sky are painting techniques of Van Gogh which I applied to this Canadian landscape.  May you enjoy the montage of imagery.

spirit of the owl
Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa
bring tidings of joy

As the year draws to a close, ’tis the season of the winter solstice when night is at its length and the earth tips its north pole.

The snowy owl and the snowshoe hare appear in the region and across Eastern Ontario to hunt and hide in the harvested open fields of farmers. Willow, elm, maple and pine dot the landscape draped in frost and a snowy quilt. Breezes drift across the glow of the crescent moon and evening stars as if an apparition of an owl’s wings as it lifts across the fields.

Tis the season of lights when people gather to celebrate their traditions of Pibòn, Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa among a host of others.

May the season and celebrations bring tidings of joy.


3 thoughts on “Heritage of our area reflected in the Cavanagh barn”

  1. Someone is going to have to remind me where this Cavanagh barn OFF Main Street Stittsville is because I grew up in Stittsville, and drive through it almost every day and there is no barn there that I can remember, that we called the Cavanagh barn. Please refresh my memory Beautiful painting though, Perpetua! Karen Prytula karenprytula33@gmail.com

  2. Thank you Karen for your inquiry. The red barn/garage is on Main Street south between Parade Dr and before Flewellyn Rd. Regards, Perpetua

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