Strong winds, forecasted at 80-90km/h, knocked down trees, power lines and signage all over Ottawa tonight, knocking at power in some areas surrounding Stittsville. If you have any photos or information about storm damage, please send us an email at feedback@stittsvillecentral.ca
There’s a list of current hydro outages here.
Huntmar Rd #ottawa #weather pic.twitter.com/971vXzAAKS
— Ashley O (@12345butterfly) November 25, 2014
@OttawaFirePIO just saw a huge flash and sparks at intersection of Hazeldean and Eagleson
— Elizabeth Labelle (@lilybella613) November 25, 2014
Wires down on richardson side road between carp and huntmar #otttraffic #ottnews
— Marc Messier (@MessierOnFire) November 25, 2014
Tree down blocking Old Richmond Rd near Eagleson #ottnews #otttraffic
— Marc Messier (@MessierOnFire) November 25, 2014
If you see a downed power line, call 911 immediately. Stay at least 10m away from lines and anything that the lines touch.
— Hydro Ottawa (@hydroottawa) November 25, 2014