The City of Ottawa has received a site plan control application from RioCan for Phase 2 of the Tanger Outlets complex. It includes plans for a six-storey hotel and six free-standing restaurants.
Phase 2 is located to the south of the existing mall. The 134-room hotel will be tucked in next to the Queensway, with the restaurants surrounding it to the north. 420 car parking spaces and 22 bike parking spaces are included in the plan.
There are two road entrances to the site, one via Huntmar Drive and the other connecting to the existing Tanger parking lot.
According to the plan, archeological foundations on the on the west side of the creek that runs through the development will be “preserved and featured through a landcape treatment on the site”.
No word yet on what the restaurants will be, or what brand of hotel. Those details usually come later in the planning process.
The City is accepting public comments on the plan. You can read all of the application documents here.