Update 9:20pm:
Hydro Ottawa is experiencing a power outage in the Munster Village, Aston Village and surrounding s. area.
The cause of the outage is: Currently under investigation.
Hydro Ottawa crews are: Performing emergency switching to restore service to all possible affected customers.
The estimated time of restoration is: 2015-03-21 10:00 pm.
441 customers are affected.

Power is out on a frigid Saturday night for over 1,200 customers southwest of Stittsville including Munster, Ashton and surrounding areas. Hydro Ottawa tells StittsvilleCentral.ca that the outage is due to Hydro One’s supply outage at the Beckwith Station. A pole fire in that area has left nearly 6,000 people in Carleton Place without power as well.
Some residents in Rideau-Goulbourn have been without power since around 10:00am this morning.
Useful links:
This outage is one of several in recent weeks. At the beginning of March, Rideau-Carleton councillor Scott Moffatt posted this note to his web site:
Recently, we have seen an increase in the frequency of power outages in the Ashton area, with outage reports coming from Flewellyn Road, Ashton Station Road, Lucas Lane, McCaffrey Trail and so on. These outages seem to consistently impact between 600 and 700 customers in that area. As a result of this increased frequency, I reached out to Hydro Ottawa’s Chief Operating Officer, Norm Fraser, to inquire about what was occurring and what would be done to address the situation.
Hydro Ottawa confirmed their commitment to providing reliability in their system and working to mitigate future power outages. Specifically, Hydro Ottawa is going to install several sensors that will help them pinpoint the cause of future power outages, helping to speed restoration time. Hydro Ottawa crews have also surveyed the overhead line, and have identified areas where additional tree trimming would be beneficial. Hydro Ottawa is already proactively replacing several pieces of equipment in poor condition, and will also scan all equipment in this region to identify others that need to be changed. Additionally, their engineering group is investigating whether the electrical system in the area can be reconfigured to provide additional redundancy and resiliency.
I will continue to provide updates on this matter as Hydro Ottawa works to improve their service to this area.
@hydroottawa What is happening in Munster? What has caused an unscheduled power outage?
— C O'Connell-Campbell (@colleenherself) March 21, 2015
Been out of power since 11 today. Playing Tribon. LOL https://t.co/480297J8Qa
— Ashton Naturals (@AshtonNaturals) March 22, 2015
@StittsCentral still? That went out at 1120 this am. @hydroottawa. Poor kids got 10 min on the ice before rink went back.
— Chris Dunn (@dunndesign) March 22, 2015
Billing used to be once every two months. Now it’s every month, yet the bills are almost the same amount. It appears that the cost has almost doubled since some time 1 or 2 years ago. The reliability has plummeted during the same time, approaching thirld world levels. Hydro Ottawa is getting some of its feed from Hydro One. Hydro One is going its share of scandals with the public currently. They are eyeing privatization, which is going to make some people rich. What the hell is going on?