It’s not too late to register for Tim Hortons Cleaning the Capital

(Press release from the City of Ottawa.)

Early birds have been registered for weeks, but now it’s official for everyone: Tim Hortons Cleaning the Capital is underway.

Tim Hortons Cleaning the Capital is a city-wide event that brings together families, friends, neighbours and communities and friends to help keep Ottawa clean and green. Nearly 50,000 volunteers have signed up so far.

“It’s always inspiring to see the City, the business community and legions of volunteers work together to show pride in their community,” said Mayor Jim Watson. “With the City hosting more national and international events in the coming years, we need Ottawa residents to step up more than ever to help keep their City clean, and a terrific place to start is the Cleaning the Capital campaign.”

Last year alone, 80,000 volunteers collected almost 140,000 kilograms of litter from 1,400 locations. That’s enough to fill 60 garbage trucks.

“Every year, thousands of Ottawa residents lend a hand and help keep City parks and roadways clean and litter-free,” said Councillor Keith Egli, Chair of the City’s Transportation Committee. “The sheer volume of work they accomplish is incredible.”

“Tim Hortons is committed to making a positive difference in the community,” said Bill Houldsworth, owner of a local Tim Hortons restaurant. “Through Cleaning the Capital, we can support Ottawa residents in cleaning up the areas where we live, work and play.”

It’s not too late to join:

  • Go to, or call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) to register for the cleanup. The new interactive map on our website makes it easier than ever.
  • Select a location such as a park, roadway, ravine, shoreline, bus stop, pathway or any public area that requires litter pickup or graffiti removal.

More reasons to join:

  • Volunteers who submit a final cleanup report by May 31 will be eligible for prizes.
  • Families and friends can work together to make Ottawa clean, green, graffiti-free and litter-free.
  • Tim Hortons Cleaning the Capital is an excellent way for high school students to earn their community volunteer hours.

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