Jock River project wins prestigious national conservation award

(Press release from the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority)

The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, the Ottawa Chapter of Muskies Canada, National Defence Headquarters Fish and Game Club and Ottawa Flyfishers Society are thrilled to announce that they have just won the Top Canadian Fishing Industry Conservation Project Award for 2014.

The Jock River Habitat Embayment Creation Project saw the creation of 1,000 square meters of new spawning, nursery, rearing and feeding habitat at the Richmond Conservation Area (Richmond, Ontario). This transformation will support the 40 plus species of fish that reside in Ottawa’s Jock River — including muskellunge and northern pike. The shoreline wetland will also provide important habitat to other species such as birds, amphibians and turtles and increase overall biodiversity. It will also improve shoreline stability and protect water quality in the river.

“We saw the opportunity to convert a barren grassed park area in to something alive and productive,” says Jennifer Lamoureux, RVCA Aquatic and Fish Habitat Biologist. “We are delighted with the project results and are thrilled to receive this award — it is the result of wonderful partners and the hard, diligent work of supportive volunteers.”

The Spring Fishing and Boat Show’s award recognizes the top Canadian fishing industry conservation project. The winner is determined by a vote of the members of the Canadian Fishing Hall of Fame.

Lamoureux along with project partners Peter Levick and Ken Taggart from Muskies Canada attended the official presentation at the Industry Breakfast Friday, February 13 at the Spring Fishing and Boat Show at the International Centre in Mississauga.

“Muskies Canada – Ottawa Chapter is delighted to be part of this rewarding habitat enhancement project,” said KenTaggart, Chair of Muskies Canada (Ottawa Chapter). “This is another example of how we can accomplish so much more by working together in partnership than we ever could by ourselves.”

This project was made possible by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnership Program), along with the generous support of other community partners including the Community Foundation of Ottawa, Fendock Inc, Muskies Canada (Ottawa Chapter), National Defence Headquarters Fish and Game Club, Ottawa Flyfishers Society, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation and Shell’s Fuelling Change Program.

Project Highlights:

  • 1,000 square meters of new spawning, nursery, rearing, and feeding habitat to support the 40 species of fish that reside in the Jock River
  • 9 days of construction in October 2014
  • 108 truckloads of fill removed from the floodplain of the Jock River
  • 100 metres of new shoreline created by re-grading the existing slope and planting a shoreline buffer around the perimeterof the new embayment feature
  • 294 volunteer hours invested in the construction of the embayment

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