Kanata-Stittsville Kiwanis holding an open house

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. The Kanata-Stittsville Kiwanis Club is an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests and they want residents to discover more about this non-profit organization.

Throughout the years, the Kanata-Stittsville Kiwanis have supported youth in our community. They have donated books to the Stittsville Food Bank so children also receive a gift in the food hampers through the Club’s Kiwanis Books for Kids; held their annual Start to Smart School Drive in partnership with Staples to provide school supplies to children; raise funds to purchase Chromebooks to donate to children in need through our local schools; and, this summer they hosted, along with their community partners, a Movie Night in the Park at Village Square Park for families. They also host an annual Talent Showcase for Youth, but COVID and other circumstances have prevented them to do so in recent years with their latest attempt having had to be cancelled. They do plan to begin the live showcase after the Christmas season.

Glynn Kneebone, President of the Kanata-Stittsville Kiwanis told Stittsville Central, “Kiwanis is dedicated to helping children of the world one child at a time. Please join us and hear about our local projects helping children in the Kanata and Stittsville communities”.

The Kiwanis are passionate about making our community a better place for children so they can thrive. They are devoted to serving the children in our community through their unique and innovative service projects.

The Open House takes place at Buster’s Bar & Grill (420 Hazeldean Road) on November 2nd starting at 6:30pm. Visit the Kanata-Stittsville Kiwanis website at http://www.kanata-stittsvillekiwanis.org to learn more or send an email to the President at glynnk54@kanata-stittsvillekiwanis.org.


2 thoughts on “Kanata-Stittsville Kiwanis holding an open house”

    1. Hi Cathy – The Open House takes place at Buster’s Bar & Grill (420 Hazeldean Road) on November 2nd starting at 6:30pm. We have the Kiwanis ad on our website front page with details and on our newsletter front page.

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