LEGION: Family breakfast, book club coming up at the Stittsville Legion

The next monthly family breakfast open to everyone in the community  will be held on Sunday September 11th from 9 a.m to 12 noon at the Legion Hall for only $8.00 per person. Children under 12 only $6.00.
The Stittsville Legion Book Club is starting back up after a lovely hot summer. The meetings will take place on the Third Monday of every month starting on September 19th at 7:30 p.m. The book for September is “The Little Paris Bookshop” available at Costco.

Euchre hosted by the Legion’s 55 Plus Club is played every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street. Everyone is welcome to participate.
EUCHRE; On August 16th Henry Albert had the Most Lone Hands. Sheila Casagrande had the Ladies High Score at euchre at the Stittsville Hall. Melanie Clouthier placed second.  Garnet Vaughn had the Men’s High Score with Dwain McGillvray  placing second. Dick Ross  had the Low Score while Beverly Clouthier had the Hidden Score.
An “OPEN MIKE” and SING A LONG” with Bill Martin is held every Friday starting at 8 p.m. in the downstairs lounge at the Legion Hall. Come and enjoy some Country and some Rock n Roll music. Everyone is welcome to attend, there is NO cover charge.
The knitting/crochet clubs meets at the Legion Hall every Monday at 6:30 p.m. except for holidays. Anyone interested is welcome to come join in,
The group has added rescue dolls as well as the baby bonnets and pic line covers.  There are also FREE lessons available.
For more information , please contact  June Warner at 613-836-1167
On Thursday evening “Acoustic Jam Night” is held upstairs from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. This event is open to everyone, including students and instructors of guitars for vets. No stage, relaxed, fun and a friendly atmosphere, Please no percussion. For more information e-mail Brenda Hamilton at singersoloist@sympatico.ca or call her at 613-286-9173.
Fun Darts is held every Thursday in the downstairs lounge starting at 7 p.m.  Regular Darts season will start September 15, and 16th. All Darters are welcome.
Poppy Meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 30th starting at 7:30 p.m. We need everyone to help with 2016 campaign. come out and show our Vet’s your support.
A great time was had by all who boarded the bus for the Legion Hop. Thanks for a safe trip with our bus driver “Gerry”. and a big Thank You to Evelyn Fortin who organized this event. First stop was Smith Falls where all 19 of us were welcomed by our fellow comrades. They welcomed us with a B.B.Q and a guided tour of the Branch. After our visit we headed to the picturesque town of Perth. We were welcomed by members and served a light lunch of sandwiches and veggies as well as great entertainment. One of our members got up and sang while other’s were given a tour of their museum upstairs. Some of our membership will be going back to Perth for a longer guided tour and the history of our country and what the Veterans over the years have done for us.

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