LEGION: “High Maintenance” performs April 23

Upcoming events at the Stittsville Legion:

“HIGH MAINTENANCE” will be performing at the Stittsville Legion on Saturday, April 23rd starting at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 at the door. Come and enjoy this event which is open to the community.

On Sunday, May 1st the next monthly  breakfast will take place. This is a great time for the family to enjoy a delicious breakfast for only $6.00 per person. Open to the entire community.

On Saturday, May 21st a “Comedy Night” will be held at the Stittsville Legion starting at 8 p.m. at a cost of $12.00 per person.  A light lunch will follow.

Euchre hosted by the Legion’s 55 Plus Club is played every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street. Everyone is welcome to participate.

An “OPEN MIKE” and SING A LONG” with Bill Martin is held every Friday starting at 8 p.m. in the downstairs lounge at the Legion Hall. Come and enjoy some Country and some Rock n Roll music. Everyone is welcome to attend, there is NO cover charge.

The knitting/crochet clubs meets at the Legion Hall every Monday at 6:30 p.m. except for holidays. Anyone interested is welcome to come join in. The group has added rescue dolls as well as the baby bonnets and pic line covers. All wool donations would be appreciated. For more information , please e-mail interested@stittsvillelegion.com

Hosted by the Legion’s 55 Plus Club is played every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Legion Hall. Euchre is open to everyone in the community. On April 12th.
Marian Jones had the most lone hands. Doris O’Conner had the ladies high score with Bev Morley placing second. Larry Romard had the men’s high score with Dwain McGillvray coming in second. low score was won by Dean Casagrande with the hidden score won by Venita Pilon.


It is with sadness Comrade Terry McCarthy passed. Our condolences to his family and friends. “Lest We Forget”

Post-secondary education bursary forms are now available at the Stittsville Legion Hall. Please note that a family military back-ground is compulsory. The deadline for submission of the application form is April 30th.

Comrade Mike Fenton was welcomed into the Legion Family on Tuesday, April 12th.

A clothing collection bin will soon be in place on the Stittsville Legion property on Stittsville Main Street. It is a partnership between the Stittsville Legion and the BIG BROTHERS and BIG SISTERS organization. Good used clothing donations will be more than welcome for this new collection bin.


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