Lépine Group re-submits zoning application for 1000 Robert Grant

The Lepine Group have submitted a rezoning application to City Planning staff for the proposed apartment complex at 1000 Robert Grant (René’s Court). The original application had requested the permitted heights of the buildings to be increased from the maximum of 9 storeys to 15 in one site section and from 4/5 storeys to 5/6 along Livery Street.

This re-submission includes these foremost zoning revisions —

  • Withdrawal of the request for reduced parking ratios; the resident and visitor parking requirements will be satisfied;
  • 10% reduction in the proposed number of apartment units;
  • Additional building setbacks and stepped-back upper floors for Building A along Livery Street, to improve the compatibility with the neighbouring low density residential development;
  • Revised building heights with one high-rise 18-storey building (Building C) and one mid-rise 9-storey building (along Robert Grant Avenue);
  • Proposed holding provision in zoning (-h) that prohibits construction of the tower portion of Building C until the opening of the Robert Grant Avenue;
  • Proposed holding provision in zoning (-h) that prohibits construction of the tower portion of Building C until the opening of the Robert Grant Avenue extension between Abbott Street and Hazeldean Road;
  • Reduced building footprints for Buildings B and C along Robert Grant Avenue;
  • Reconfigured driveways and garage door entries into the underground parking garage;
  • An additional exception to zoning provisions to remove the requirement that 50% of the Robert Grant Avenue frontage be occupied by building walls.

You can view the revised documents here. The re-submission documents begin with the date of June2020 distinguishing them from the previous application submissions.

The Development Review, Urban Design and Transportation staff are currently reviewing the re-submission and they will provide the public’s comments to the applicant.

Note that there is no formal circulation to the public or opportunity for public comment on resubmissions – this is mainly for your information regarding actions on this development application.


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