LETTER: Memories of Bill Teron and the early days of Kanata

Bill Teron

Re: “FATHER OF KANATA”: Bill Teron’s master class on suburban design

I read with interest your article on how influential Bill Teron was with the building of Beaverbrook, Kanata.

At the time of the inception of Beaverbrook, my Dad Harold Craig was the Reeve of March Township which became Kanata. Dad as Reeve had a major influence in inviting Atomic Energy to move to March Township in order to get taxes for the Township. This was the beginning of the high tech moving to this area.

The initial Beaverbrook plans were laid out on our farm house dining room table for months as Dad and Mr. Teron discussed its progress. Our farm was adjacent to the Canadian Tire Centre.

I worked for Bill Teron as he was responsible for building the original nine-hole Kanata Golf course off Richardson side road. Mr. Teron would fly over in his helicopter and we would all look like we were working diligently.

I now live in Langley, B.C. but am always interested in the history and growth of the Kanata / Stittsville area.

Allan Craig


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