LETTERS: Todd and Sandra Brown make Stittsville a caring community

Todd and Sandra Brown of Brown's Independnt

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last week, Todd and Sandra Brown (pictured above) from Brown’s Independent won a Celebration of People award, recognizing their work to promote accessibility, inclusion and full community participation by citizens with disabilities. They’ve hired individuals with disabilities to work at the grocery store and provided co-op placements to high school students with physical and development disabilities. We’ve received several congratulatory letters from the community. Here’s a sample.

“Todd and Sandra Brown are truly a deserving couple for all they do in this community. In particular helping the less fortunate with disabilities … giving these citizens a reason to get out of bed and go do work. Folks like Todd and Sandra give the less fortunate among us a job, providing a visible indication of Stittsville being a caring community. ”
Howie and Helga Pierce, regular customers

“This is so wonderful to see. The Brown’s are wonderful supporters of the community as a whole but particularly great to see them helping out specific populations. These are the efforts we need to remember when evaluating where we shop. It isn’t just saving $1 on a particular grocery item.”
Lisa Manninen, Stittsville

“Mr. Brown approached us when our handicapped son finished his high school co-op. Adam has now been working there over 10 years and proudly wears his uniform every time he goes to work. Thank you Mr. Brown!”
Johanne Laforest

“The Brown’s deserve a lot of credit for seeing their potential. Having a job is a source of pride & accomplishment.”
Malcolm Lawrence

“One of the reasons you have my loyalty. Your inclusiveness and great customer service keeps me coming back.”
Tammy Kealey-Donaldson


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