LIONS: Catch the Ace week 7 jackpot will be $1,250

Beth Lewis with Week 4 winner Joan Palmer.

A few updates from the Stittsville Lions Club…


  • Week 4 winner Joan Palmer  $101.00 (pictured above)
  • Week 5 winner  Ann Benson  $173.00
  • Week 6 Winner  Dave Delarge  $ 158.00

The Week 7 jackpot is up to $1250.00, with the next draw on Thursday, March 15. Tickets can be purchased at  Stittsville Automotive, Stittsville Trailers, Stittsville Pub, Stittsville Legion, Kodiak Snowblowing and at the Stittsville Lions hall 6 pm – 6:45 pm. Proceeds for Kanata Ruddy Shenkman Hospice.

March 8: 13 tables fun was had by all. It was a smelly night, 3 skunks visited. Euchre happense every Thursday evening 7:30 pm at the Lions Hall, admission $5.00. Next week we are celebrating St. Paddy’s – wear your green and bring a small Pot Luck.

Stittsville Lions collecting school supplies lined paper, duo-tangs, pencils, pens, white out, erasers, pencil sharpeners, pencil cases, pencil crayons, rulers, highlighters, markers and books: new or gently used books for students, kindergarten to Grade 8, personal hygiene itemsfor the seniors’ residence are: deodorant, nail polish remover, razors, cotton pads, shaving cream, puzzle books, tooth brushes, tooth paste, dental floss, brushes, hand cream, shampoo, conditioner, hair pins and nail polish.

North Dundas Leos will be doing a mission trip to St. Kitts.  There will be 5 Leos (age 12-16) and 7 adults travelling. While in St. Kitts, the Leos will be visiting two schools to deliver school supplies and new library books. They will spend some of the day reading and working with the students. They will also spend the day at a seniors’ residence with the St. Kitts Lions.  They are also planning on helping to train others on how to use the eye testing kits.

You can bring items to the Lions hall on 2nd & 4th Wednesday nights between 6 pm and 6:30 pm or bring them to the Euchres.

If you are interested in what the Lions Club is involved with, please send a email to or call 613-836-4964 and leave a message.


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