Local author offers glimpse into life with a disabled son in “Ben’s Story”

(Ben Norton led an extraordinary life in his 29 years. Ben’s family provided him every opportunity to live life to the fullest participating in various activities. Here, he is on the Ferris wheel at the Carp Fair in 2015. Photos: Ted Norton)

With the utmost love, care, insight, and dashes of humour, author Ted Norton recounts the life of his son in “Ben’s Story: A Father’s Perspective of a Disabled Son.”

“Benjamin Norton passed away in 2015 at the age of 29. This story focuses on how Ben and his family dealt with Ben’s mental and physical challenges and, sometimes more telling, how our society dealt with Ben.”

(Baby Ben comes home in 1986 with proud parents – Mom, Linda, and Dad, Ted.)

The short story details Ben’s life from the beginning, exploring his early years, the family’s move to Ottawa, their search for the perfect school for Ben, and eventually Ben’s move to a group home. Ted includes plenty of fun anecdotes along the way – like Ben’s love for symmetrical block towers, learning to ski and continuing the sport for years, his record luge ride, the enjoyable and perhaps not-so-enjoyable amusement park rides, and his many travels with his family.

(Ben Norton at age 16 in 2002 building a symmetrical Duplo tower. He created the tower over and over again for most of his lifetime)

Ted also takes the time throughout his story to discuss his experience seeing how the world treated Ben along the way: “There is a natural law that says you will love your kid unconditionally. But there isn’t anything that says you gotta love the kid next door, or the one down the street that you never met.” The Norton family met many strangers on their travels, with “traveling Ben” being able to bring out the best in other people.

(Ben’s sister, Lindsay, 8-years old and Ben at 13-years old. The photo was taken in 1999.)

Ted has received lots of praise for his story since its release in 2020. “I am told by those who have read it that it has been helpful in support of families with disabled members, as well as folks dealing with grief and to the general public trying to better understand the disabled community.”

(Benjamin Edward Norton)

“Ben’s Story: A Father’s Perspective of a Disabled Son” is available free for download on Rakuten Kobo.


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