Check out the numerous library programs planned for May that residents can attend by registration (note that Storytime programs for children are drop-in and registration is not required). Pick up the latest program flyer or for your convenience bookmark the program’s listing webpage on the Ottawa Public Library website. Stop by to see what Tracy is taking care of in the hydroponic garden. Make sure you register for programs early so you don’t miss out!
Art Space Wall
This month’s featured artist on the Art Space Wall is local photographer John Edkins. He has been a photographer since his Dad lent the kids his Rolleicord twin-lens reflex camera to take pictures of their model cars (about 65 years ago!). For this exhibition at the library, John has chosen some of his favourite existing prints – there is no particular theme. Eight of them are “compositions” where there are combined multiple images or creatively photoshopped single images. Visit his website at: to view more of John’s talent.

Memory Café – Thursday, May 2, 2024 – 1:00-3:00pm
An open house for persons with dementia, their care partners, and families. Fun and stimulating mental activities are planned to enhance the social interactions and the connections that are built within the group. Light snacks and warm drinks are served alongside items that aim to spark conversations and reminiscing. First Thursday of each month (starts in May 2023). 1-3pm.
Advance Health Care Workshop by Dying With Dignity Canada – Thursday, May 2, 2024 – 1:00-2:30pm
Presented by Dying With Dignity Canada (Ottawa Chapter), Advance Care Planning is a workshop about making choices about how you would like to be cared for in the future, at a time when you are not able to speak for yourself. How to prepare an Advance Directive and choose a Power of Attorney for Personal Care are discussed. Materials include worksheets to identify and articulate one’s beliefs about end of life care and choices around planning your own health care. Discussion will include how to talk to your loved ones about your health care wishes in the event of illness and unexpected physical events. Registration is required as space is limited.
English Conversation Group / Groupe de conversation en anglais – Mondays, May 6-24, 2024 – 12:00-1:00pm
Practice your English language conversation skills and meet new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment. A facilitator will be there to lead the group. Drop in program.
Tips and Techniques for Better Photos – Monday, May 6, 2024 – 6:00-8:00pm
Learn, in simple terms, how your camera works to enable you to take better photos. The lecture will cover tips on composition, depth of field, lighting, people pictures and how to avoid common pitfalls. Presented by Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users’ Group and the Orleans Photo Club.
End of Life Options (including MAiD) Workshop by Dying With Dignity Canada – Tuesday, May 7, 2024 – 6:30-8:00pm
Presented by Dying With Dignity Canada (Ottawa Chapter), End of Life Options (including MAiD) is a workshop to educate people about the options available to mitigate or end suffering at life’s end, including palliative care, treatment options, and Medical Assistance In Dying (MAiD). Workshop includes the current legislation on MAiD, the process for applying in Ontario and explanation of the experience by a loved one. Registration is required as space is limited.
Dungeons & Dragons – Saturday, May 11, 2024 – 2:00-4:00pm
Curious about Dungeons and Dragons, or just learning how to play and need some practise? Give it a try with this one-session-long adventure for beginners! D&D is a popular fantasy role-playing game in which your characters explore, solve puzzles, and fight or outwit monsters. Learn the basic rules of this popular game as you undertake an adventure with fellow players! The adventure we will be playing will be announced soon. This program is for ages 12-16.
Stittsville Open Book Club – Monday, May 13, 2024 – 10:30-12:30pm
Share the enjoyment of books in a relaxed atmosphere on the second Monday of the month. The Stittsville Open Book Club is a drop in that runs monthly from September to June. Books are available at the Stittsville Branch Hub (central desk).
Plant Swap – Saturday, May 18, 2024 and Sunday, May 19, 2024 – 10:00am-5:00pm
Chat with other avid gardeners, pick up a few books and swap some of your plants for ours!
Armchair Travel – Newfoundland – Monday, June 10, 2024 – 6:00-8:00pm
Come and enjoy photos shown on a big screen, and narration from multiple car trips around this wonderful province. Highlights include Viking settlement in L’anse aux meadows, Fjord at Western Brook Pond, the Tablelands, Bonavista, Twillingate, Cape Spear, and icebergs. Presented by Lynda Buske from the Ottawa PC Users’ Group and the Orleans Photo Club.
Whoa, Backup! Effective Strategies for Keeping Your Computer Files Safe – Tuesday, June 11, 2024 – 6:00-8:00pm
Think about all the data on your PC; videos of the grandkids playing in a park, photos of your trip to Patagonia (lucky you!), tax records, emails… Now think about whether those files exist anywhere else. If the answer is no, you need to think about backing them up. You could lose data due to viruses, fire, theft, and computer issues. Chris Taylor, President of the Ottawa PC Users’ group will discuss various ways you can ensure your important data survives any catastrophe.
Visit the library website for the hours of operation, to access online resources, browse books, search programs and events and more!