Mattamy Homes phase 8 application received by city

(A rendering of the proposed Mattamy townhouses for Phase 8 in Fairwinds. Fotenn Planning + Design.)

Fotenn Planning + Design has submitted applications to the City for the last phase (Phase 8) of Mattamy’s Fairwinds subdivision plan and a Minor Zoning By-law Amendment. The municipal addresses are 521 Brigatine Avenue and 501 Khamsin Street.

(Location of the proposed development for Phase 8 by Mattamy Homes.)

Mattamy is proposing a mix of singles and townhouses on the temporary stormwater management pond site, which will be decommissioned in the short term. A Draft Subdivision Plan for the area was approved in 2009 (File # D07-16-04-0026) and was extended twice, with all the lands except the subject lands having been registered and constructed. Draft approval was not extended for the subject lands and therefore it has lapsed.

(Rendering of single family Mattamy Homes proposed for Phase 8 in Fairwinds.)

The current zoning allows for both singles and townhouses, and the new rezoning would refine certain setbacks, building heights, and lot coverage. The proposal includes an extension of Brigatine Avenue, with 15 lots for detached dwellings and blocks for 32 townhouse units. The lots for detached dwellings will be on the northerly arm of Brigatine Avenue and back onto Poole Creek. Townhouses will occupy the remainder of the site.

(Rendering of single family Mattamy Homes proposed for Phase 8 in Fairwinds.)

A Minor Zoning By-law Amendment application is being submitted concurrently with the Plan of Subdivision application to make slight adjustments to the existing zoning in order to reflect Mattamy’s latest residential models and address the varying fabric of some of the proposed lots. In addition, a lifting of the existing holding zone is required to permit the proposed uses.

A public information meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 2 via Zoom at 6:00 p.m. For more information on the proposed development visit the City’s Development Application at this link.

Email comments and questions by January 29, 2021 to City Planner Kathy Rygus at or 613-580-2424 ext. 13409. You can also copy Councillor Gower on your email at


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