Miller Waste starts servicing Stittsville this week

(Miller Waste Ottawa side-loader waste vehicle. Photo: Miller Waste)

A new waste collection contractor, Miller Waste, will be servicing the neighbourhoods of Stittsville starting June 1st. Your collection day will remain the same, but the pick-up times for your garbage and recycling may change. You, no doubt, are aware that Miller stepped in to assist with some of the garbage woes in the west end last summer.

You can check collection updates to see if you are in the area being serviced by Miller Waste. Just click on your collection day to receive further information.

If you are in the area being serviced by the new contractor, remember:

  • Have your garbage, green bin and recycling items at the curb before 7 am to not miss collection.
  • Should your items not be picked up by 6 pm on your collection day, submit an online request or contact 3-1-1.

As a reminder, do not dispose of hazardous material in your garbage. Safely store them until a scheduled hazardous waste depot has been scheduled. Visit for updates on dates and locations.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, used paper facial tissues and napkins should be put in plastic bags before placing them in the green bin. No loose items in the garbage and green bin containers


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