(Stittsville’s Liam Moore raised over $20,000 for the Multiple Sclerosis Society throughout the month of July with his Murph4MS challenge. Photos: supplied by Liam)
Back in the beginning of June, Stittsville Central published a story introducing Murph4MS, a campaign spearheaded by 16-year-old Stittsville resident Liam Moore. Liam pledged to complete a Murph – a 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and another 1-mile run – every single day for the month of July, all to raise funds for the MS Society of Canada.

With July having come and gone, Stittsville Central caught up with Liam to discuss how the first Murph4MS went.
Initially, doing a Murph a day for a whole month was just a personal goal for Liam, as he wanted to test his fitness limits. He intended to complete the feat last year but didn’t end up doing it. Then, in February, the idea came to combine the personal challenge with a fundraising campaign.
Liam chose to fundraise for the MS Society of Canada because his father was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) over ten years ago. Having watched his father continue to help the MS Society of Canada, all while fighting the debilitating disease, Liam felt it was his turn to give back.
After emailing other gyms across Canada to invite them to participate in the challenge, Liam reached out to local media to get the word out about Murph4MS. Donations started coming in May. Before July even began, the campaign reached half of its $10,000 fundraising goal. By the time July 31st – the final day of the challenge – came around, about $17,000 was raised. Having continued to accept donations into August, Murph4MS raised over $20,000 for the MS Society of Canada!

Liam started training around the beginning of May to prepare himself for the challenge. On July 1st, he completed his first of 31 Murphs. He recalls that “the first day was a bit of a struggle,” calling it his “figuring-stuff-out day.” After getting more accustomed to the workout and deciding how best to schedule each day, he had things figured out by the third day. To keep himself motivated, Liam ensured he had someone to join him every few days in completing a Murph. In addition to friends and his girlfriend, Liam was joined throughout July by 613 Fitness (his gym), Jeremie Charron from CTV Ottawa, and CrossFit Cobourg (after Liam drove to Cobourg to complete his 23rd Murph with some of his biggest supporters). Being interviewed by CTV News was “really exciting,” and helped push the fundraiser past the $10,000 goal. After the interview aired, Liam received even more support and heard from many who were inspired by the campaign and wanted to participate.
On July 31st, wearing a 20lb weighted vest that made for a “really gruelling” workout, Liam completed his 31st and final Murph. He describes how he felt on the last day: “like taking off a big backpack that’s been holding me down for 31 days.” The feeling is certainly understandable. Over the course of 31 days, Liam ran 62 miles (just shy of 100km) and completed 3,100 pull-ups, 6,200 push-ups, and 9,300 squats.

Liam told us that “the most difficult parts of the challenge were the fatigued muscles and staying motivated”. He believes that not thinking about how many days were left really helped, “you can’t think of what’s to come. You have to live in the present.” A question of “why shouldn’t I do it?” also kept Liam going. The feeling of relief in finishing each Murph was also a huge help, a sentiment which every single person who joined Liam shared.
To start a fundraising campaign is no small feat. To add such a difficult physical challenge to a fundraising goal is even more impressive. Finally, to have not only surpassed your fundraising goal – but to double it – is astonishing. Congratulations to Liam Moore on spearheading such a successful campaign and inspiring others. Learn more at the Murph4MS website.