New development – Carp and Hazeldean Roads

A Site Plan application has been submitted to the City of Ottawa from the  Deschenes-Poitras Realty Corporation. The site proposed for development is located at the corner of Hazeldean and Carp Roads. Being sought for approval, is a four story high apartment building that would contain 34 low-rise apartment units at the southwest corner of the property. The existing house and storage facility on the property would be demolished, but the barn (currently a dental practice) would remain. Also included in this Site Plan application, is that the existing barn/dental facility on site be redeveloped for restaurant use on the ground floor.

Architect depiction – front of building

Due to a hydro easement, the proposed building will be set back from Hazeldean Road. Entrance to and exit from the property will use the existing access points on Hazeldean and Carp Roads. The proposed building will have underground parking for the tenants. This should allay any parking concerns that neighbouring businesses and home owners might have.

Architect depiction showing entrance to underground parking garage.

Currently, there is no available sanitary sewer for connection within the Carp Road or Hazeldean Road area. To connect to the existing sewer outlet on Lloydalex Crescent, the applicant will have to install a sanitary sewer line between two existing homes that back onto the property. The existing water main on Carp Road will be accessed for water service, with outlet storm water from the property going to an existing storm sewer on Hazeldean Road.

The property is served by OCTranspo routes 61, 162 and 262 with connection to the Stittsville Main/Hazeldean Road Transit Priority Corridor. The roadways (Hazeldean and Carp) are also designated part of the City’s Primary Urban Cycling Network.

February 23, 2019 is the targeted date for a decision on the application
to be executed by the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department, via delegated authority.

Public comments are to be submitted before January 12, 2019. You can address your comments to:

Mary Dickinson
Development Review, West
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th floor
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, ext. 13923
Fax No.: 613-580-2576


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