New plaza for Trans-Canada Trail – open house on March 2nd

In 2018, the City of Ottawa’s Finance and Economic Development Committee (FEDCO), with the support of Shad Qadri Stittsville’s former councillor, gave approval for $200,000 to be spent on an upgrade to the western entrance of the Trans-Canada Trail on Main Street near Abbott Street. This funding became available through Ontario’s Main Street Revitalization Initiative.

On March 2nd from 10:00am – 12:00pm at the Pretty Street Community Centre, Councillor Glen Gower has arranged for an Open House on this change for the better to Stittsville’s Main Street. City of Ottawa planners will be present to explain the details of this proposed project. The planners would like to hear your suggestions, questions or comments.

Some of the improvements being included will be landscaping, seating, signage, maps, bicycle parking and pavers.

This new Trans-Canada plaza will be an enhancement to Main Street and the Trail itself; also going hand-in-hand with the new water fountain and bicycle repair station in Village Square Park. The Trans-Canada Trail is a popular destination for Stittsville residents with people from the area using the Trail for outdoor activities such as exploring and cycling. These new proposed features and appearance should be welcomed by everyone.


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