The open house held on March 2nd for the ‘new look’ proposed for the Trans-Canada Trail entranceway off of Main Street near Abbott, was well attended and received positive feedback.
The site and history of the trailhead entranceway has been taken into consideration by the City of Ottawa’s Planner, Melanie Knight. She had the architect incorporate the seating area of the benches to resemble old railway ties, and these would also be used for some of the fencing on the property. There will be trees and shrubs added and a new brick entrance. Bicycle lock-ups will also be added so you can park and then shop, eat or get a refreshment at the local businesses.
If you didn’t get the chance to drop-in to the open house, City Planner Melanie Knight would pleased to hear your suggestions and questions. Melanie can be reached at –
This improvement to the Trans-Canada Trail and to Stittsville’s Main Street will create another destination point for visitors to stop and make use of when in Stittsville.