The City of Ottawa has received a proposal for a zoning change and plan of subdivision at 5618 Hazeldean Road, just east of Iber between Hazeldean Road and the Trans Canada Trail.
Proposed for the 89 hectares of land:
- 1845 residential units, with a variety of housing types
- commercial/retail
- an elementary school
- parkland and open space
- an OC Transpo Park & Ride
- a stormwater management pond
The land is former farmland, now vacant, and is part of the Fernbank development area. It’s currently zoned Development Reserve (DR), and proposed rezoning includes land for Residential Second Density (R2), Residential Third Density (R3), Residential Fourth Density (R4), Residential Fifth Density (R5), Minor Institutional (I1), Parks and Open Space (O1), Arterial Mainstreet (AM), Local Commercial (LC) and Major Leisure Facility (L2).
The application summary comes from Kizell Management Corporation (a part of the Toronto real estate company Tridel), who are active with several development projects in the Ottawa area.
From the application summary:
“The proposed development contains approximately 1845 residential dwelling units made up of low, medium and high density housing types placed in a modifed grid street pattern. The low density residential blocks are located in the central portion of the subdivision and are comprised of detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings. The medium density residential blocks, located along Robert Grant Avenue, stacked units and low-rise apartments. The high density residential block is located at the intersection of Abbott Street and Robert Grant Avenue, in proximity to a future transit station.
The mixed use blocks located along Hazeldean Road and Robert Grant Avenue will accommodate a variety of commercial or office uses to serve the needs of the community and a neighbourhood commercial block is located on the west side of Robert Grant Avenue.
There are blocks for an elementary school, a park and ride, a stormwater management pond, four 0.8-ha parks and open space corridors along the watercourse and Hydro transimission corridor.
The proposed street network is based on the Fernbank CDP Demonstration Plan. Robert Grant Avenue will provide a north-south arterial from Abbott Street East to Hazeldean Road and Abbott Street East will extend from Robert Grant Avenue to the easterly limit of the property. Street No. 3 will also extend from Robert Grant Avenue to the easterly boundary of the site, connecting with a collector street in the subdivison to the east.
You can send comments on the proposal to Kathy Rygus, Development Review Planner at the City of Ottawa,