NOTEBOOK: Parking goes underground on Hazeldean

Kevin Pidgeon from the Nautical Lands Group gave the Fairwinds Community Association a preview of their Wellings of Stittsville development

Can you imagine a Hazeldean Road development with more parkland than parking?

Believe it. On Monday night Kevin Pidgeon (pictured above) and Christine Forget from the Nautical Lands Group (NLG) gave the Fairwinds Community Association a preview of their Wellings of Stittsville project. It’s an ambitious mixed-use development proposed for Hazeldean Road just west of Huntmar including:

  • a 5-storey, 185-unit apartment building targeted at older adults
  • a 4-storey, 256-unit long-term care Extendicare facility
  • a mixed-use retail/office building along Hazeldean road
  • a large park on the north end of the site, along Poole Creek

Four of the 11 acres of land will be deeded back to the City for a large park along Poole Creek. Most of the parking will be underground. Pigeon said studies have shown that pavement creates industrial stress on older people. (I’d argue that’s true for everyone, old and young!)

“We don’t want it to look like a power centre parking lot,” he said.

Pidgeon says the project is fully financed and shovel-ready, it’s just waiting for final approvals from the City of Ottawa. They’d like to build all of the components at once, but the Extendicare portion may be delayed. It includes long-term beds that need a green light from the Ontario Ministry of Health.

Pidgeon also says that this will be an LID project – light impact development – minimizing the impact to the surrounding environment. LID projects usually include special engineering to minimize stormwater runoff.

NLG has been involved in a number of large senior-oriented developments like this one elsewhere in Ontario, but this is the first project of its type for them in Ottawa. Their head office is on Carp Road in an old stone house north of the Queensway.

This isn’t a perfect development proposal, but it’s really encouraging to see a large-scale Stittsville project that puts people first, rather than cars and parking lots.

The site plan includes a large park adjacent to Poole Creek, and ponds and landscaping between the two main buildings. The pathway behind Coriolis Court - currently at a dead end - would connect Fairwinds to the park.
The site plan includes a large park adjacent to Poole Creek, and ponds and landscaping between the two main buildings. The pathway behind Coriolis Court – currently at a dead end – would connect Fairwinds to the park. Click for larger size.
The inside of the apartment building would include a large atrium, like this Wellings project in Sarnia.
The inside of the apartment building would include a large atrium, like this Wellings project in Sarnia.
Artist rendering of the artificial pond to be built on site.
Artist renderings of the artificial pond to be built on site.

Artist rendering of the artificial pond to be built on site.


8 thoughts on “NOTEBOOK: Parking goes underground on Hazeldean”

  1. Wow maybe that is why our senior facilities are so expensive! Underground parking in Stittsville! And our new hospital finds it too expensive to have underground parking. This must be for the very rich people ,not for ordinary people who have to watch their pennies. So much for the middle class !

    1. Hmmm…. I think the economics are quite a bit different.

      Unlike the hospital, this developer can generate more revenue by putting parking underground, and using the surface for more commercial and residential development. Or to put it another way, they’ve realized that there’s more money to be made with a building than with pavement.

      From what Kevin and Christine told us in their presentation, the monthly rental cost at this facility would start at <$2000/month, which is on the lower end for senior housing.

      1. This is far from lower end for seniors they advertised at $2000 per month but in reality its more like $3000 pet months plus $450 that is required to pay for food and beverage (mandatory) to that you pay your heat and hydro!

    2. Hi Mary

      You make valid and interesting points. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what we are offering and the value you will receive. While we have not released the rates just yet, I can note that our rates will be much less than a traditional retirement community. I would invite you to come visit with me once our preview centre is open to tour our model apartment and floor plans.

      Feel free to email me anytime at


  2. Christine

    1)What type of retail are you looking at meaning will it be for the general public or just for the residents of the retirement home.

    2)Would it be possible to have construction notices posted on your site be it start date or if construction may go longer on some days.

    With all of that said I find this to be a exciting project and can’t wait for construction to start.


    1. Hi Jayme

      These are all great questions and suggestions. I do not think we have all the details yet for the retail space. I do believe the intent is it will be for general public. I will give your suggestion about construction updates to our VP of marketing. You should also join our newsletter. We typically give some updates and pictures monthly. To join just send me an email to

      Once our preview centre is open come by and see me. Would love to show you our designs and take you through a model two bedroom.

      Take care,

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