NOTEBOOK: Trespassing, parking tickets and bike lanes



No trespassing oil barrel along the Trans Canada Trail.
No trespassing oil barrel along the Trans Canada Trail.

Finally had a chance to talk to Gerry Stephens from Stephens Auto Wreckers about the massive “NO TRESPASSING” sign he’s placed at the edge of his property near the Trans Canada Trail. He says he’s tried smaller signs, but they keep disappearing.

“It doesn’t help to go to the dollar store to buy signs. Every time I buy it it’s gone. I don’t have enough dollars to keep replacing them. So I put a big sign up,” he says.

He’s had issues with trespassers coming onto the wrecking yard property and breaking or stealing things. He says since setting up the bigger sign, he has had fewer problems.

“I have no idea who it is. All I can determine is the damage I see whenever I go to the back. I never seem to catch nobody or nothing else. They’re smashing windshields and glass,” he says. “I don’t feel that it’s right to go on anybody else’s property without permission… It did draw attention — it’s got you inquisitive as to why I got that trespassing sign. I just hope the people who are trespassing can read that!”


Wiches Cauldron no parking

Heads up for Wiches Cauldron customers: City bylaw officers are now enforcing the no stopping / no parking rules across the street from the food truck.

As co-owner Craig Beaudry describes it, there were a couple days in June where a bylaw officer hid in the bushes and waited until people were in line, then ticketed their cars.

I don’t have a problem with enforcing the rules, but bylaw officials could have – and should have – given Beaudry a heads up first.  People have been parking on that side of the road for the past four years without any hassle.

The signage is not exactly clear on that stretch of road either.  There are small “no stopping” signs on a couple of light posts, but they’re spaced so far apart that they’re easy to miss.


Congrats to Jamie Whiteside and Melanie Daignault, the new president and vice president of the Jackson Trails Community Association.   Shane Foley remains as treasurer. The group said goodbye (and thanks) to outgoing president Omar Sultan, who’s moving out of the community.  The JTCA is looking for a volunteer to fill the role of secretary.


Mayor Jim Watson is calling for more enforcement to stop vehicles from stopping in bus lanes.  We’ve also heard from residents with concerns about trucks and buses blocking the bike lane on Carp Road in front of the Tim Hortons.  (Councillor Qadri says he’s brought this to the attention of police.) We’d like to hear from you: what are the problem spots for cyclists and bike lanes in Stittsville?  Add a comment below or email

By the way, stopping in a bus-only lane carries a $120 fine if you’re caught, and the fine for driving in a bus lane is $175.  The fine for parking or driving in segregated bike lanes is $120. Vehicles can cross over cycling lanes when turning or entering a loading zone, but can’t impede cyclists.


Congrats to freelance contributor Devyn Barrie, who graduated this week from Sacred Heart High School. He’s planning to attend Algonquin College in the fall for journalism.  Good choice!


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