NOTEBOOK: Work begins on commercial development at Iber and Hazeldean


In an update on Facebook today, Councillor Shad Qadri advises that tree clearing work started today on the site of a new commercial development owned by Huntington Properties at Iber and Hazeldean:

“Tree Clearing Starting today for development at south west corner of Hazeldean/Iber. A tree permit has been approved for the construction of a mixed retail, commercial and office to be located at 5734 and 5754 Hazeldean Road and 2 Iber Road. Unfortunately, the parking and building layout do not allow for more tree retention. Approximately 140 trees are scheduled for planting within and surrounding the development. Approximately 117 trees will be removed. 44 trees are to be retained on or adjacent to the developed areas. The tree permit issued for this address is issued under Part II of the Urban Tree Conservation By-law. Huntington Properties is developer of the site and have advised they are finalization of the leasing and pre-construction plans for the site and will provide more information in the future which I will share with the community.”

The original site plan for this development was submitted nearly four years ago in October 2013, with approval granted in 2015.

A earlier map provided by the councillor’s office shows a possible Esso gas station (“to be confirmed”) at the southwest corner of Iber and Hazeldean, surrounded by 1- and 2-storey retail and office buildings. There’s road access from Hazeldean, Iber and Fringewood. Construction would include re-alignment of the Hazeldean Creek to follow the property line on the south side. You can find more information about the development on

Site plan for 5734 and 5754 Hazeldean Road and 2 Iber Road.
Site plan for 5734 and 5754 Hazeldean Road and 2 Iber Road.



Here’s more about the development from a 2015 post on Councillor Qadri’s web site:

Combined, the properties are approximately 44,365 m² in area and are currently vacant with sparsely planted trees. A watercourse (Hazeldean Creek) currently bisects the properties and outlets to the Carp River to the north-east.

The purpose of this application is to accommodate the development of the subject lands into a multi-building commercial plaza with a mix of retail, commercial, and office uses.  The proposed development will consist of a total of eight (8) building; six (6) one-storey retail/commercial buildings and two (2) two-storey office buildings, one of which is to contain ground floor retail.

Since the original application the main changes are summarized as follows:

• Paved pathway added along the eastern side of Frindgewood [sic] Drive.

• Access to Frindgewood[sic]  Drive restricted leaving the site to right-out only (no left turns on Frindgewood[sic]  permitted) will be controlled through signage.

• Original plan had a east bound deceleration taper on Hazeldean Road this has been removed since was not warranted existing trees on Hazeldean Road now preserved.

• Latest plan has added two pedestrian nodes on Hazeldean Road.



2 thoughts on “NOTEBOOK: Work begins on commercial development at Iber and Hazeldean”

    1. The map was the original design submitted in 2013 or 2014. The final approved version may vary. We’ve asked for an updated map & will post if/when we receive it.

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