OC Transpo meeting planned for Stittsville on May 13

A window on transit in Ottawa" by Jamie McCaffrey. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ Used under creative commons license.

(Photo: “A window on transit in Ottawa” by Jamie McCaffrey. Used under Creative Commons license.)

A public meeting about OC Transpo service in Stittsville will be held on May 13 at 7:00pm at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex (Hall A).

That was one of the details confirmed by Pat Scrimgeour with the city’s transit services department, in response to a series of questions from our readers  about upcoming OC Transpo route changes.

Last week, councillors Shad Qadri (Stittsville) and Marianne Wilkinson (Kanata North) revealed a few of the route changes that OC Transpo has planned for later this year, including a new route 163 and the 96A changing to 92.

That promoted a number of questions and comments from our readers.  We forwarded them on to OC Transpo.  Here are Scrimgeour’s answers.

Is there a full list of route changes and additions planned for the June/July timeframe in Stittsville, Kanata North and Kanata South?  Are there route maps available?

Several improvements to transit services will be made in Kanata and Stittsville based on discussions with the community and withCouncillors.

  • The frequency of Route 93 will be increased during weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. from every 30 minutes to every 15 minutes.
  • Route 96A service will be renumbered as new Route 92 and revised to operate along Campeau Drive.
  • Route 161 will be extended to serve commercial and new residential areas west of Eagleson Road. The hours of service will also be improved.
  • New Route 162 will operate Monday to Saturday providing a direct connection between the western residential area of Stittsville along Westridge Drive, Tanger Outlets and Terry Fox Station in Kanata.
  • Route 164 will be changed to a peak period route maintaining a direct connection for the Hope Side Road community to Eagleson and Terry Fox Stations.
  • A new Route 165 will operate Monday to Friday providing a direct connection between Terry Fox Station and the Kanata North area.
  • Route 168 will be revised replacing portions of Route 164 in the Bridlewood and Glen Cairn area. The route will provide a direct connection from the Kanata Lakes area to Kanata South.

Full details of these service changes will be communicated to customers starting in late April, throughout May and June. Customers can visit octranspo.com or can call the OC Transpo contact centre (613-741-4390) for more information. Once the new service begins, customers can find up-to-date schedules by using octranspo.mobi or the MyTransit iPhone app, by calling 613-560-1000, or by texting 560560.

Where does the funding for these routes come from?

Funding for these changes was approved by City Council in OC Transpo’s 2015 budget, which included more than $1 million for investment in expanding transit service, including adding new midday, evening, and weekend service in new, fast-growing areas of the City.

What kind of consultation does OC Transpo do when planning new routes?  

OC Transpo continually monitors ridership, capacity, operational information and customer feedback in planning transit service. When services changes are warranted, OC Transpo works closely with the area councillor in developing transit service proposals and determining the most appropriate consultation approach.  Approaches may include websites, flyers on buses or open houses. OC Transpo uses customer feedback to refine the final route changes for implementation.

Are these new routes a result of specific feedback/requests from riders?

OC Transpo uses customer feedback as one method to identify concerns, and we also continuously monitor ridership levels and new residential and commercial developments. The Stittsville/Kanata route changes address several known transit concerns in the area, namely the expansion of service into new residential and commercial areas and improved off-peak service.

Are there any public consultations or info meetings planned for Stittsville or Kanata in the coming months re: OC Transpo?

Councillor Qadri is hosting a public meeting scheduled for May 13, 2015, at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex, Hall A, at 7pm, to discuss plans for transit service in Stittsville.

Is there any new service planned for the Blackstone neighbourhood in Stittsville?

Yes. Developers have agreed to fund and provide interim transit service to connect the Blackstone community with Terry Fox Station, Monday to Friday during peak periods. The interim bus service will begin once the connection between Robert Grant Ave. and Abbott St. is operational, which is expected to be in June 2015.

For route 92, how much longer or shorter is the length of the commute (ie. # of minutes) for Stittsville residents heading downtown?

Transit customers using Route 92 (currently Route 96A) will have a similar travel time to today. The adjustment will see Route 92 operate via Campeau Drive between Eagleson and Terry Fox Stations instead of operating along Katimavik Road. We are not anticipating a change in travel time and we will continue to monitor the adjustment after it is implemented to ensure an efficient and reliable service.

Will route 92 stop at Eagleson?

Route 92 will stop at Eagleson Station only in the eastbound direction, heading towards downtown. Route 92 will serve the nearby TeronStation in both directions.

Are there ward-by-ward ridership numbers available for OC Transpo?  I’m curious specifically about how many people in Stittsville regularly commute via OC Transpo.

Ridership statistics are collected on a route and bus stop basis and not regularly recorded by ward.  However, based on the Origin-Destination Survey conducted in 2011, approximately 26% of the morning trips leaving Kanata/Stittsville are made by transit.


We also asked about the latest timeline for extending the Transitway beyond Bayshore and towards Kanata and Stittsville. Kim MacEwen in the City’s Infrastructure Services Department replies:

“The City’s current schedule would allow the Transitway extension from Bayshore Station to Moodie Drive to be completed by the end of 2017. This timeline is contingent on all approvals being in place. The first piece of work will begin later this year to replace a culvert along that corridor, which is necessary for the link to function.”


Do you have any feedback or concerns about OC Transpo?
Add a comment below or email feedback@stittsvillecentral.ca


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