OC Transpo responding to COVID-19 on buses, rail cars and stations

In light of the recent COVID 19 news, OC Transpo has started to take proactive steps to ensure safety for all that board the bus and utilize the rail lines.

OC Transpo is asking everyone to board buses using the rear doors. They also added the following instructions for entering the bus:

  • Customers with accessibility needs can continue to board at the front of the bus;
  • All other customers must use the rear doors only;
  • We are installing tape to separate the operator cab and accessible seating areas from the rest of the bus;
  • Prominent signage will be placed at the front and rear doors to inform customers of the change;
  • We will also be informing our customers of this change using all of our communications channels;
  • We will not be accepting cash fares or paper transfers from customers boarding at the rear of the bus; and,
  • Due to the configuration of some of the buses in our fleet, some customers will not be able to tap their Presto cards when they board.

In terms of the buses being sanitized, cleaning protocols have been put in place such as:

  • Enhanced cleaning of our conventional bus operator cabs, to include daily wipe downs with antiviral disinfectant;
  • Customer areas will receive sanitizing on handrails, stanchion posts including stairwells as part of established cleaning schedules; and,
  • Provision of disinfectants for cleaning of non-revenue vehicles, such as Special Constables, supervisors, etc.

On the matter of Rail Operations, this is what was provided:

  • Contractors for both Line 1 and 2 have brought on additional cleaning staff and are committed to enhanced cleaning of both stations and rail vehicles;
  • Every rail vehicle is going into service with every surface from floor to ceiling cleaned and disinfected, including operator cabs;
  • Rail vehicles will have every surface disinfected nightly;
  • As more resources become available, OC Transpo will move to performing targeted cleaning of rail vehicles while in service. This will include wipe downs of surfaces that experience regular touching such as stanchions, hand straps, and handholds;
  • The cleaning of rail stations on Line 1 are also being enhanced with additional staff both day and night;
  • Overnight deep cleaning will focus on disinfecting all touched surfaces, including vending machines, handrails, doorknobs/handles, elevators, escalators, washrooms, glass and floors; and,
  • Additional resources are also being brought in to do daytime cleaning in stations with the target of cleaning high traffic areas in each station every eight hours.

For Para Transpo riders, OC Transpo stated these two simple things:

  • The scheduled cleaning of Para Transpo vehicles is being enhanced to include daily sanitizing of the Operator area and the cleaning of common customer touch points such as handrails, windowsills, floors and ceilings within our passenger areas; and,
  • OC Transpo are in contact with Ottawa’s taxi providers, who have advised that they are taking steps to increase cleaning and sanitizing of their vehicles, including those used to transport Para Transpo customers

For issues regarding Customer Service Staff, contact points with customers such as fare vending machines and counters are receiving enhanced cleaning with appropriate sanitizer products. Posters have also been added at all OC Transpo Customer Service Centres and transit stations to remind customers to avoid taking transit if they are ill or have come into contact with someone who tested positive with COVID-19.

General Manger of Transporation Services, John Manconi, promises that he will keep everyone informed as the situation evolves.


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