OPEN LETTER: Brokerlink comes through for our local food bank

It is a pleasure for me to again recognize the community efforts of another one of our SBA members. This past week, BrokerLink Insurance, here in Stittsville, came through with a wonderful truckload donation of food products for our local food bank. The entire BrokerLink staff took part in a company driven idea, and worked to purchase food products which was delivered and gladly accepted by the food bank staff this past week. Branch Manager, Justin Philips, spearheaded the program along with the efforts of many staff members especially the work of Lisa D’Eon.

The food bank volunteer team, who do such unbelievable work for the community,  are always in the need and so grateful for any and all donations. Demand is up again, and this year the need for help is even more important than ever. The efforts and the generosity of the Brokerlink group could not have been more appreciated or timely.

As I have said many times, our local business sector and corporate leaders are second to none. Their ongoing generosity for numerous community needs is always there year after year. This is yet one more example of one more local business stepping up to do just that.  As a business association, we work to foster growth and awareness of our local business sector. We encourage all of our residents to please shop, support and think local first for their family needs. This is what community is all about, and we could not meet our local challenges without a vibrant and healthy business sector.

So thank you to BrokerLink, all of our other great SBA members and local business owners for their continuing efforts to give back to our Stittsville and area community.


Allan Ryan
President, Stittsville Business Association


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