(article via the Goulbourn Lawn Bowling Club)
Goulbourn Lawn Bowling Club members are looking forward to the start of the 2016 season in early June.
The Club’s open day this year will be on Saturday 4th June 9:30 – 1:00. For those that cannot make the open day they are welcome to visit on any regular bowling morning.
Lawn Bowling is great way to exercise plus the good company and just being outdoors. The bowlers if they wish to can also compete against other clubs and the competition is competitive as in Curling.
The members bowl Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9.00 to 11.00 all you need are flat smooth soled shoes and comfortable clothing, remembering you are exercising as well as enjoying yourself.
After the bowling session there is always tea, coffee, cake and lots of friendly conversations.
Our annual fee for the 1st year is $75, 00
Please visit the Club’s webpage: http://goulbournlawnbowlingclub.weebly.com/