Ottawa Parks and Rec services adapt to continue programming

The pandemic has served as a reminder of how important recreation and culture activities are to a community’s overall physical and mental health. The City of Ottawa recognizes the need to continue to be adaptable in serving residents – the Recreation, Culture and Facility Services Department (RCFSD), in light of this, has reviewed the services they offer. The department has concluded that the resumption of service from modified Stage 2 back to Stage 3 will focus on re-establishing drop-in services that were temporarily suspended at our main high-use programming locations of which Stittsville’s Cardel Recreation Complex-Goulbourn is one.

The resumption of programming from modified Stage 2 back to Stage 3 that began in September will focus on the following:

  • Aquatic programming including public and lane swims and learn to swim programs
  • Before-and-after school programs
  • Inclusive recreation
  • Select drop-in sports activities (non-team only until Stage 2 team restrictions are lifted)
  • Arena rentals – for practices and drills only until team-play restrictions are lifted
  • Active Living Club and some programming for older adults
  • Cultural programming including arts center programing, art galleries, some museums and virtual programming
  • Community rentals respecting gathering and distancing limitations

The RCFSD will focus Stage 3 resumption of service for the remainder of fall and winter. The department is also working on outdoor winter programs for outdoor rinks, ski trails, and sledding hills to name a few.

Should you wish to learn more, register for programs or rent space, visit the City of Ottawa link here.


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