There’s a zoning bylaw amendment and plan of subdivision posted to the City of Ottawa’s web site this week for a new housing development in on the south west corner of Fernbank and Shea Roads.
The land is at 5970 Fernbank Road, and the plan was submitted by Tartan Land Consultants Inc.
From the application summary: “The purpose of the applications is to permit the development of a 731 unit, mixed-density residential subdivison along with the associated roads and pedestrian pathways, servicing infrastructure, stormwater management pond, parkland and open space. The applicant has proposed a residenital unit share of 329 single detached units (45% of total units), 108 semi-detached units (15% of total units), 122 townhouse units (17% of total units) and 172 low rise stacked and apartment units (24% of total units). The low rise stacked and apartment units will be located along Shea Road, east of the hydro corridor, and the single detached units will abut the existing residential community to the west.”
The city is accepting public comments on the proposal.
The land is empty now, but was once part of the McGuire farmstead and the location of an old 19th century schoolhouse. An archeological report filed with the application notes that artifacts were found on the site that could be from the school or the farm operation. The McGuire farmhouse burned down in 1965, but a recent aerial photo shows an old barn still on the land.