(Brian Beattie captured this incredible shot of an electrical lightning bolt and a smaller bolt escaping from the clouds on the right during a summer storm in August 2023. He used his drone looking north from Sable Run Drive in Stittsville then edited the footage to create this image. Notice the Stittsville water tower on the left – this certainly puts the size of this bolt into perspective. All photos provided by Brian Beattie.)
Stittsville resident, Brian Beattie, thinks of himself as ‘purely an amateur photographer’, but after viewing the captured environments in his photographs, one would think differently.
Brian spent Monday, September 11th taking photographs along the Trans Canada Trail in Stittsville. He was interested in seeing the newly repaired viewing platform at the Goulbourn Wetlands Complex. This curiosity visit led him to visiting the area at various times throughout the day capturing the various fluffy or threatening cloud formations and the colourful evening sky at sundown. We are pleased to be able to share his photos from his day with you.
Brian has also won awards for photography with his entries into the annual Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society photography competitions. We’ll share a few of those award-winning entries below.

Below are Brian’s entries to the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society photography competition in 2023 for which he won awards (see our article dated March 6, 2023 for all of the details).

So you be the judge, but we would say that Brian is definitely not an amateur photographer. Thank you Brian for sharing the beauty that can be discovered in our community.
This is a bit crazy, but those beautiful double blue flowers are the second double Hepaticas to be found in North America. They were found growing happily at the side of a dirt road just west of Carleton Place. Amazing that a grader or a snow plow had not ripped them to shreds. Your readers should be vigilant in late April when Hepaticas are in bloom in our area. There are, I am sure, more gems like this, hiding in plain sight.
Thanks Brian for your comment and your keen eye when it comes to discovering flowers in the wild.
Beautiful, keep those photos coming…..