PHOTOS: Brownies paint yellow fish to raise awareness about stormwater

Brownies paint yellow fish stencils in the Fairwinds neighbourhood. Photo via Kerry Reimer

The 10th Stittsville Brownies were painting yellow fish in Fairwinds on Thursday night. They’re as a reminderthat what you put down the drain eventually makes its way into rivers, lakes and streams, impacting the health of animals and people.

They painted yellow fish stencils next to storm drains on Riverfront, Tempest and Showandasee. The words “RAINWATER ONLY” are meant to remind people of the impact we have on nature and the environment.

The program is sponsored by the Ottawa Riverkeeper and Trout Unlimited Canada. Photos via Kerry Reimer.

Brownies paint yellow fish stencils in the Fairwinds neighbourhood. Photo via Kerry Reimer Brownies paint yellow fish stencils in the Fairwinds neighbourhood. Photo via Kerry Reimer yellow-fish-painting4

Yellow fish door hanger
The Brownies distributed door hangers like this one with information about the program.

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