(Sunset was incredible over a calm Ottawa River on the late October evening it was taken.)
Cooler temperatures, a few sunny days and clocks going back one hour officially mark that Fall has arrived. We and others were out and about this week and captured a few photos to share.
Halloween was a great night for everyone out trick or treating and thank goodness the snow arrived before the big night. It was cool, but the skies were clear and it was great to see the unique and comical costumes that came to our door. Below are a handful of photos from the neighbourhood.
Firstly, Janice Blain was out for her daily walk and shared the following collage of photos of the incredible Halloween display at Hobin and Renshaw. Thank you again Janice!

Just a handful from our neighbourhood. A home around the corner from us always has the cutest skeleton displays with this year being a country theme – cowboys around the campfire.

Then there was the hugely successful Pumpkin Parade at Village Square Park on November 1st and Skele-bration display by the Crantham Crescent crew over at Stittsville Market at the Barn.

The Goulbourn Museum; with the assistance of many volunteers who attached the poppies to the netting and the Station 81 firefighters, Rob Lafleur, Cheryl Pauls and Rob Hartnett; were able to drape the museum for the ‘Poppies of Goulbourn’ display. Drive by to see this until November 12th. **By the way, if you have any bales of straw, or know of someone who does, contact the museum (info@goulbournmuseum.ca) as they would like to recycle them for their upcoming Old-Fashioned Christmas & Outdoor Artisan Market on November 19th.**

The first outdoor market of the holiday season was held by Stittsville Market at the Barn on November 5th. The weather was sunny for the outdoor market, albeit a windy one, but a large crowd came out to start their Christmas shopping. We picked up some lovely handmade ‘quilled’ Christmas cards from My Pluto Designs; and, unique painted art on a rock from the east coast and another piece on wood from this young artist – Santinah G.M. Watch for more fun events coming up at Market at the Barn.

We were saddened to see the old water tower play structure gone a week ago, but captured a photo of new replacement that is brighter and safer for children to enjoy.