Volunteers stuffed over 440 stockings and gift bags for families in Kanata, Stittsville and Carp today, filling a 28-foot truck.
It was all part of the Kanata Stocking Project 2015, and the stuffing took place at the old Target space at the Hazeldean Mall. Thanks to Tanya Hein for sending along the photos.
About Kanata Stocking Project 2015: The premise is simple: Ask friends, neighbours, colleagues and family for referrals to people who may need a little helping hand. The target for this project are people who would normally not ask for help, those who would not attempt to solicit help from an agency of any kind, and those who likely tell very few people they need help. The Stocking Project depends on community members to refer their friends, neighbours and colleagues as project recipients. All referrals are confidential.
The community donated small gifts that would be typical to a stocking, to stuff the stockings. Referrals go into the project anonymous email and we deliver the full stockings to the recipients a few days before Christmas. There is also an option for the person who referred the family to pick up the stockings and deliver them to the people they referred personally. When the Project does the deliveries they carefully leave the stockings on the porch of the home with an anonymous note, ring the doorbell and run! It is akin to being “elfed” however on a much bigger scale and with a specific market in mind. The Stocking Project will Serve Kanata, Stittsville, and Carp for the 2015 Christmas Season.