Premier Ford mandates closure of stores and pharmacies on Easter Sunday

(Photo: Office of the Premier Doug Ford – YouTube capture)

During Premier Doug Ford‘s daily press conference for April 8th, he stated that “front line workers deserve a much needed break and has mandated that stores and pharmacies will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.” Good Friday is an official holiday in Ontario.

Premier Ford announced, “I have an important message for essential workers. We have been listening to business owners and employees, the truth is that everyone working in our grocery stores, pharmacies, our truck drivers and those working the line, they have been working day and night for weeks to keep the food and medicine we need on the shelves. One way we are saying thank you, is making sure they have this Friday and Sunday off. They deserve a break and some quality time with their families.”

The Province is mandating these closures said Ford.

“Stores will be open on Thursday, Saturday and of course on Monday and on wards. Let’s give our workers the break they have earned. Thank you to all our heroes out there, our health care workers, our essential workers, all the care givers and truck drivers. You are incredible, we owe you everything, thank you and god bless the people of Ontario,” Ford added as he ended this portion of his press conference.


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