As part of the Wildlife Strategy, the City of Ottawa initiated a Wildlife Speaker Series to increase residents’ knowledge and appreciation of wildlife, and promote coexistence through understanding and respect. Each event features one or more guest speakers on a seasonally relevant topic. The expositions feature displays by local agencies and groups and the opportunity to learn more on the wildlife living around us. The speaker’s series is free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis.
On Thursday, February 6, at 7:00 pm, the Wildlife Speaker Series will be presenting on Coyotes and how humans can co-exist safely with these animals more frequently in our presence as they adapt to city life.
The presentation will be provided by Dr. Stan Gehrt from Ohio State University. He has studied coyotes in Chicago since 2000 and made interesting discoveries about how coyotes interact with humans and other animals in different settings. He has tracked over 1,000 coyotes over the past 20 years and his research has been featured in numerous print, radio, and television outlets, including PBS, ABC Nightline, NBC Nightly News, National Geographic, and the History Channel.The event will also feature displays by local organizations.
In light of the sightings around Stittsville and the songs of the coyote at night, especially in the area of the Trans-Canada Trail, this may be one presentation you will want to attend.
The presentation takes place in Andrew S. Haydon Hall and an Expo will be displayed in Jean Pigott Place.
If you cannot attend, the presentation will also be livestreamed on the City of Ottawa Youtube channel at 8:00 pm. Subscribe and click the notification bell to be notified when the stream goes live. Should you require further information, contact Amy MacPherson, Planner, City of Ottawa.
There is free parking at the City Hall garage at 110 Laurier Avenue, West after 6:00 pm.