(A rendering of the mixed-use proposed development for 1364-1370 Stittsville Main Street. Rendering MataJ Architects)
The City received a Site Plan Control application for 1364-1370 Stittsville Main Street. The applicant, RorTar Land Development Consultants (a division of Demarco Construction), acting as the agent for the land owned by Bayview Stittsville Inc. (‘Bayview’), is proposing to construct a 4-storey mixed-use building with a total of 71 residential dwelling units and 87 parking spaces. The proposed building will consist of 6,535.8 square metres of GFA. The site is located at the northwest corner of Stittsville Main Street and Beverly Street.

The subject property is composed of three adjacent rectangular parcels (1364, 1368 and 1370 Stittsville Main Street), which have a total combined area of 5,011 square metres and a frontage of 68 metres on Stittsville Main Street. The property is currently occupied by a two-storey residential dwelling on the eastern portion of the site with vehicular access off Beverly Street. Surrounding uses include a retirement home directly to the north of the site, institutional services to the east, and residential and commercial uses to the south and west.
The proposed 4-storey mixed-use building that will contain commercial and residential spaces within the proposed gross floor area of 6,535.8 square metres. The new building will replace the existing structures existing on the property, and the vehicular access will be changed to Stittsville Main Street. The development proposes a total of 71 residential dwelling units located between floors 2 and 4. The ground floor will provide commercial and active amenity uses that can be accessed through the easterly end of the building. The concept plan also includes surface parking situated at the rear and eastern portions of the property. A total of 87 parking spaces and 36 bicycle parking spaces will be provided for residents, commercial use and visitors.

Of interest to residents and staff at Holy Cross Elementary School, roadway modification are not available at this time.
It is the opinion of RorTar Land Development Consultants that the proposed Site Plan application represent good planning and is in the public interest as follows:
- The development proposal is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement with respect to infill development within a settlement area. Specifically, the proposed development is located in an established urban area where services and infrastructure are readily available;
- The proposed development conforms to the Official Plan policies, including the policies of the Traditional Mainstreet designation with respect to residential infill and the Corridor policies provided in the new Official Plan;
- The proposal complies with the City’s compatibility criteria established in the Official Plan including, but not limited to, the provision of a strong and enhanced streetscape;
- The proposal conforms to the policy direction set out in the Official Plan with regards to land use, building design and compatibility. The development application also helps to promote a 15-minute neighborhood as defined in the new Official Plan;
- The proposed use and building design are contemplated in the Stittsville Mainstreet Secondary Plan and is consistent with the guidelines of the Stittsville Mainstreet Community Design Plan;
- The proposed development maintains the intent of the Urban Design Guidelines for Traditional Mainstreets; and,
- The proposed development meets the requirements and intent of the Zoning By-law and can achieve all performance standards of the TM9 Zone.
For additional information or to provide your comments go through Ottawa.ca/devapps or contact Molly Smith by email at molly.smith@ottawa.ca or by telephone at 613-580-2424, ext. 25910. Any comments are required by May 19, 2022.