Proposed business development plan submitted to City for 6111 Hazeldean Road

(The artist’s rendering of the site plan for the proposed business development for 6111 Hazeldean Road. All renderings: Holzman Consultants Inc.)

An application has been received by the City from Holzman Consultants Inc. (HCI) who have been retained by LRL Associates Ltd. (LRL) on behalf of its client Grant Castle Corp. for the redevelopment of the property municipally known as 6111 Hazeldean Road. The property is located on the north side of Hazeldean Road, between Stittsville Main and Carp Road – where the Minto sales centre was located for the Potter’s Key neighbourhood.

The proposal includes the development of four commercial buildings – HALO drive-thru car wash; Mr. Lube automotive service centre; and, two freestanding commercial buildings, of which one has a tenant, Starbucks Coffee with a drive-thru feature. Phase 2 of the development at the northwest corner will remain undeveloped at this time. The property will be accessed from Hazeldean Road at two points: a right-in / right-out access on Hazeldean Road, located in between Building 1 and Building 2; and, a shared access at the signalized intersection to the Jackson Trails Centre.

The proposed development triggers an Application for Site Plan Control – Application for New Development, Complex, Manager Approval, Public Consultation and a Lifting Holding By-law. The applicant has submitted a Zoning Amendment to lift the ‘H’ holding symbol on the property. The subject site is designated Arterial Mainstreet in the Official Plan and is zoned AM9 Subzone 9, Exception 1699 – whereby the property is in a holding situation until conditions are met.

As set out in Exception 1699, the following conditions would have to be met: 1) that the Jackson Trails pumping station has sufficient capacity to accept flows from the proposed development to the satisfaction of the City; and 2) that sufficient capacity downstream of the Jackson Trails pumping station is available for the proposed development. The property upgrades have been completed at the pumping station and there is now adequate capacity to service the proposed development.

We are given to understand that the Applicant consulted with City of Ottawa staff on March 4, 2020 and with Councillor Glen Gower on February 1, 2021. Further information on this proposed development is available at the website.

Should you wish to provide comments, the deadline is March 31, 2021, and can be sent to the City planner for this proposal, Lisa Stern at or call 613-580-2424 ext. 28318. You can also comment at the ‘send feedback’ link on the DevApps website. Your email can also be copied to Councillor Gower so he is aware of your comments at


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