(Press release from the OCDSB.)
The Ottawa Carleton District School Board has received notice of strike action in the form of a partial withdrawal of service beginning on Thursday, May 21st. The partial withdrawal mainly affects administrative duties. Regular school operations will continue for secondary schools. All field trips and extracurricular activities scheduled will proceed as planned.
Our secondary teachers and occasional teachers (OSSTF) are in a legal strike position. The OCDSB is one of seven Ontario school districts which OSSTF targeted for strike action. Currently strike action (full withdrawal of service) is underway by OSSTF at the Durham District School Board, Rainbow District School Board, and the Peel District School Board.
OSSTF has now provided notice of planned strike action to the OCDSB. That notice explains that the strike action will be a partial withdrawal of service. According to the notice, secondary teachers and occasional teachers will:
- Report only marks, no comments, no learning skills;
- Take part in “solidarity days” – ex. wear OSSTF colours, or arm bands, etc.
- Picket at lunch (voluntary);
- Not act as “Teacher in Charge” or “Acting VP” assignments (current assignments may continue);
- Not attend staff meetings, department meetings, department head meetings, or school/board committee meetings;
- Not distribute Board materials/communications to students;
- Not take part in credit recovery referrals and/or complete credit analysis forms;
- Not complete Annual Learning Plans;
- Not participate in any aspect of School Improvement Plans, Board Improvement Plans, School Effectiveness Framework, etc.
- Not take part in Learning Communities (PLCs, etc); and
- Not participate in curriculum/course writing (classroom teachers).
Local bargaining is continuing. The school district remains committed to negotiating fair and fully funded collective agreements with all of our employee groups.
Elementary – Schools will be open. Regular classes are scheduled. All field trips and extracurricular activities scheduled will proceed as planned.
The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) is undertaking strike action in the form of a partial withdrawal of service. This action affects the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) and all other English language public school boards in Ontario.
The partial withdrawal of service began on Monday, May 11th. All OCDSB elementary schools will be open and regular classes are scheduled. Field trips and extracurricular activities will proceed as planned.