Not working? Why not? If you have withdrawn from the workforce, the Centre for Workforce Development (CFWD) wants to hear from you. Whatever the reason – whether you are caregiving, injured, retired, or have given up – your input is needed to help CFWD to develop strategies that will effectively assist people who wish to return to the workforce.
“We encourage anyone who has withdrawn from the workforce to contact us and share their story of why they are not working. We are gathering information right now through an online survey or personal conversations, both of which are confidential. Your voice can help us develop strategies to better assist people wishing to return to the workforce,” says Matt Caruana, Project Coordinator for the Centre for Workforce Development. Reach out to Matt today at 613-969-0720 or
In the last 10 years, the labour participation rate across much of Eastern
Ontario has steadily decreased even though the population has increased
by 12 percent. This makes it difficult for employers to fill vacancies.
The Centre for Workforce Development is looking at the declining rates of
labour force participation (how many people are working) to identify the root causes of this issue. To better understand why this is occurring, CFWD is conducting personal interviews and focus groups, as well as establishing
an online survey.
This project is being conducted in partnership with the Workforce Planning Boards and Local Employment Planning Councils in Eastern Ontario as well as Quinte Economic Development Commission and Ontario East Economic Development Commission. It is funded in part by the
Government of Canada and Government of Ontario.
About the Centre for Workforce Development
The Centre for Workforce Development (CFWD) is a non-profit
organization, with a primary mandate to provide local labour market
information, engage the business community and develop collaborative
initiatives to address identified workforce issues. CFWD, founded in 1997,
is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and headquartered in Belleville, Ontario. For more information about CFWD, contact Brad Labadie, Executive Director at 613-969-0720 or
There are five partner Workforce Boards, including: Ottawa Employment Hub (Local Employment Planning Council – Ottawa). The contact is Ingrid Argyle, Managing Director, 613-727-4723 ext. 7552 or
About Ontario East Economic Development Commission
Ontario East Economic Development Commission (OEEDC) promotes Eastern Ontario as a centre for investment. Through shared resources and working collaboratively, they market the region – developing strategic marketing and communications plans to attract industry with business attraction and retention activities. For more information about OEEDC, contact Jody Burns, Executive Director, at 613-634-8569 or