Public meeting date set for 5924 and 5938 Hazeldean Road zoning amendment application

The City’s Planning Committee is holding a public meeting on the zoning amendment application for the proposed development at 5924 and 5938 Hazeldean Road. The meeting will take place on Thursday, May 14 at 9:30 a.m. remotely.

There have been three modifications to the proposed development as follows:

  • The Hazeldean façade has been modified to include a full brick exterior instead of the previously proposed hardie board panels with brick. A stronger base level articulation is introduced using double monarch oversized brick. New lintel beams are added above the windows to provide a more traditional expression. Additional brick patterns and vertical features are also proposed along Hazeldean to provide visual interest.
  • A letter is submitted to address the potential for an additional entrance along Hazeldean Road. The conclusion is that a single access on Victor is enough to accommodate the traffic volume associated with this development. The access along major arterial roadway is avoided where possible due to potential safety concern associated with potential conflicts with high volume Hazeldean traffic. There is also a two-way left-turn lane along the centre of the Hazeldean Road in front of the site, which could result in potential unsafe left turn movement in and out of the site. This has been reviewed by the City’s senior transportation project manager and is deemed acceptable. You can read the letter here.
  • An updated sight line letter was also submitted using a 45-metre stopping sight distance, which correspond to a design speed of 50km/hr (posted 40km/hr) roadway and concluded there is enough sightline distance for the proposed development. This has been reviewed by the City’s senior transportation project manager and is deemed acceptable. To mitigate the speeding issue along Victor Street, traffic calming measurement through curb extension will be introduced at the Victor and Hazeldean intersection. This is currently being reviewed by the City’s transportation team. You can read the sight line letter here.

There have been 64 concerns expressed on this proposed development with additional traffic, parking, access to the property being the main issues raised. Councillor Gower requested that the developer consider a right-in, right-out (RIRO) access from Hazeldean Road into the development for which the City’s engineers did not support. Gower says he is generally supportive of the zoning by-law amendment, but does want to see the issues addressed.

Submit all comments in writing via email to the Committee Coordinator, Melody Duffenais at or to You can also contact Ms. Duffenais at 613-580-2424 Ext. 20113 to share verbal comments. Comments must be received by 4:00 pm on Wednesday, May 13th.

Should you wish to participate in the committee meeting, complete a Request to Speak form to register at You must register prior to May 14 at 9:00 am. Persons who intend to view or  participate during the meeting should contact the Committee Coordinator to receive a Zoom link and password prior to the meeting.

All the submission materials can be found at this link. The new plans and studies are labeled: 2020-03-11 STUDY NAME D07-12-19-0089.


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