Many school communities have questions about how decisions are made regarding the construction of new schools and additions. Ultimately, the Ministry of Education of Ontario makes these decisions through the approval of funding for capital projects – this is done as funding for new pupil places, additional pupil places, and in limited cases, it may also include the rebuilding of existing schools.
These funding decisions are made by the Ministry based on a list of capital priorities approved by the Board. In recent years this process has taken place on an annual basis. It is anticipated that the next Ministry call for capital submissions will come during the spring of 2018. In anticipation of the call, the capital priorities-setting consultation process was approved by the Board in November of 2017.
District Needs Analysis (DNA)
The District Needs Analysis (DNA) is one tool to assist Board during the 2018 capital priorities decision-making process and consultation. The DNAs will also inform the process over the next few years. Other factors that are weighed in the process include, but are not limited to, child care needs, requirements of potential community hubs or partnerships, and needs resulting from reviews that serve to impact the student learning environment. The District Needs Analysis is two documents- one elementary and one secondary.
DNA packages for both the elementary and secondary panels have been prepared. In accordance with Board policy, DNAs are to be updated on a four-year basis moving forward, that timing aligning with the second year of a trustee term. Learn more.
How to Provide Your Input
A webpage dedicated to the capital priorities-setting process is located on the District website by clicking on the following tabs – Board of Trustees/Consultations/Other Consultations and Reviews/ OCDSB 2018 Capital Priorities-Setting Consultation Process.
We would love to hear your comments regarding the capital process and the DNAs via the following:
By email:
By Fax: (613) 820-5210
By Mail: 2018 OCDSB Capital Priorities
133 Greenbank Road
Ottawa, Ontario K2H 6L3
Please continue to monitor the webpage for updated information as the process continues.