QADRI: Here’s why bright lights are alright

From Councillor Shad Qadri’s email newsletter:

Recently my office received an inquiry regarding the brightness of the street lights along the new Robert Grant Avenue. The street is designated as an Arterial Main Street. This is one of the highest roadway designations within the city. In accordance with the city Right of Way Policy, it was designed to an average of 17 lux.

As the adjacent lands are undeveloped and the whiteness of Winter enhances the appearance of the roadway lighting. LED’s used in this design are more efficient, direct more light on the roadway with greater uniformity, with less spill light, and consume less energy than if a conventional source lamp. If used, the conventional lamp source, would also been a “white light” source.

Due to the lighting criteria for this roadway the source of light cannot be diminished. To do so would place the city in position of liability.


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