Fall and winter registration is now available for the Goulbourn Skating Club.
For more details on the various sessions and programs offered by the Goulbourn Skating Club, please click here to go to our Program Overview section, or review the registration forms below. Please make note of the required skating qualifications for our Advanced Canskate (formerly Primary) and STARSkate sessions, click here for more details.
Registration is available online or by filling in and returning one of our registration forms. Please note that Special Olympics registration must go through our Special Olympics Director for initial processing – online registration is not available at this time.
For more information about the club, visit GoulbournSkatingClub.com.
Good day,
My daughter (11 years old) would like to learn how to skate. She has never skated before. Could you recommend a program that you would have that could accomplish this.
Thank you.