Rescue dogs are personal in our house. Over the years, we have adopted a Short-haired German Pointer, an Australian Cattle Dog (red heeler), a Beagle and a Border Collie-Collie mix. They have all been wonderful members of our family and although some needed a little bit more training than others, they were the truest loving dogs a family could ask for. Each one taught us the traits of their breeds and each quickly adapted to life in a family where they are unconditionally loved and cared for.
For the above reason, we are encouraging you to consider Sharing the Love this February towards Empties for Paws to help save the lives of our furry friends. You can do so by donating your empty beer, wine, liquor bottles and Canadian Tire money to over 85 animal rescues/shelters listed in the Ottawa Valley and across Ontario.
In Stittsville, there are four local participants for Empties for Paws that will benefit from your donations for dogs and cats. They are listed below for your convenience:

Collecting empties and Canadian Tire money. You can contact Terry at 613-851-8172 or drop off your donation at 316 Eckerson Drive, Stittsville. Leave it on the porch please.
Collecting empties and Canadian Tire money, 101 Mojave Crescent, Stittsville.
Collecting empties and Canadian Tire money, located at 24 Hesse Crescent. The email is

Collecting empties and Canadian Tire money and your donations can be dropped off at 1102 Beckett Crescent, Stittsville.
Empties for Paws works anywhere. Should the rescue organization not collect empties, you can cash your empties in and donate the funds directly to your preferred rescue or shelter. We are challenging people everywhere to start Recycle 4 Animals drives to collect items that are refundable in their area to raise funds for their local animal rescue. To learn more about the program use this link
Since the inception of Empties for Paws in January 2015 more than $325,000 has been raised by rescues and shelters. Empties can be donated all year round and not just in February.