SATURDAY: Healing Hands: Medicine During the World Wars

(via the Goulbourn Township Historical Society)

The Goulbourn Township Historical Society program for March takes place on Saturday, March 19th at the Goulbourn Museum starting at 1:30 p.m.

Kathryn Jamieson, Curator and Jennifer Adams, Project Coordinator present – Healing Hands: Medicine During the World Wars.

“The First and Second World Wars were global conflicts dividing many of the world’s nations. A common thread throughout, was the vital role medicine played in keeping both humans and animals alive.
During the First World War, who kept the army’s mobility and communications open and moving? Who were the “Angels of Mercy” who worked tirelessly caring for the sick and wounded? Who were those who kept the home fires burning and filled the large void left behind when men went to war?

This presentation examines Canadian medical contributions made during the World Wars by Veterinarians, Nursing Sisters and the Red Cross. It accompanies the museum exhibit which will open in June 2016.

We ask you to bring along your own stories of women who served by “filling the void” when men were at war.

The program starts at 1:30 p.m. and will be followed by refreshments. As usual, everything is free. And please, tell a neighbor or bring along a friend.

The Goulbourn Museum is located at Stanley’s Corner at the intersection of Huntley and Flewellyn Roads and is wheelchair accessible.

For additional details or information, please contact:
Georgia Derrick, Programs Coordinator


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